Throughout my interactions with the Tohono O’Odham and those
in the surrounding areas there exists a great desire to revive and celebrate
traditional agriculture. People rally behind calls to restart the salt pilgrimage and to recreate
harvests of Tepary beans as a means to both infuse physical activity into
tribal members’ lives and to provide them with a nutritious alternative to more
Western foods. Assuming the tribe were to put its full weight behind the
cultivation of Tepary beans there still exist at least 3 major obstacles to the
successful revitalization of traditional agriculture in any meaningful sense:
1. Land
The O’Odham’s land receives very
little rainfall throughout the year and as such is extremely difficult to tend
to especially using the manual methods that are traditional to the tribe. As
such, any meaningful revival of traditional agriculture will require
significant portions of the population to dedicate themselves to cultivation.
This goes against demographic trends and as such it most likely will require
the input of significant capital.
2. Education
The O’Odham have suffered under years of forced gastronomic assimilation
via both the flood of cheap processed foods and the decline of traditional
agriculture on the reservation. The tribe has reached a point where many people
not only lack sufficient knowledge to prepare traditional foods, but also lack
the knowledge to prepare balanced meals. This lack of knowledge contributes to
the diabetes epidemic and must be addressed for traditional agricultural
products to be consumed on the reservation.
3. Alternatives
advances in cultivation techniques and crop varieties, there exists several
viable alternatives to reviving traditional agriculture. Adopting more modern
techniques such as runoff collection, mechanized planting and harvesting, or
even hydroponics may require more significant investments in education and
infrastructure but in the long run they could yield significantly more revenue than
traditional agriculture. This means that the tribe could conceivably
avert long term subsidies and attempting to reverse demographic trends and
instead use that money for education and other desirable alternatives.
None of these points disqualify or otherwise toss the idea
of revitalizing traditional agriculture, but for some people these obstacles
may indicate that there could be an alternative to going all in on traditional
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