Thursday, January 12, 2017

All For You My Relatives

To all my relatives in the ECON 295A/SOAN 281 seminar

I am writing to assure you that I arrived safely in Tucson and am already performing sacrifices for the welfare of our class community.  I was little prepared for the agonizing conditions I would face once  leaving the safe confines of the airport. The sky was so blue and the sun so bright it was all that I could do to make my way to my rental car.  And the heat, the HEAT!  If I were not making this journey for all of us, I don't know if I could bear up under the 78 degree temps.  I will write in a day or so to let you know how I am faring.  However, I now have to test the condition of the pool and hot tub at the Best Western, where those who are going on the trip will be staying this February. Remember my relatives I am doing this all for you!!!!



  1. Dear Elder, Your sacrifices are appreciated. Please let us know if you find the hot tub to be a place a reflection if not revelation.
